Sunday, March 25, 2012

# 65 Damaged

My car was damaged when someone backed into it while it was parked in front of the house where I work.  The driver's door only opens as far as the picture shows.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

# 153 Immature

An immature Ring-billed Gull.

The immature bird is recognizable by the brown feathers on it's wing--compared with the adult gulls pictured below.

# 136 Glow

The sky just seems to glow in this sunset.

# 86 Edible

A new vegetarian, gluten-free restaurant opened recently near us.  I went one day for lunch and had the kale, white bean, and sweet potato soup and the Herb Roasted Crimini Mushroom, Yellow Pepper, Fresh Mozzarella, and Roasted Garlic Aioli panini.  They were both very edible!

# 301 Station

Imagine my surprise when I got off a five day shift at work and arrived back in my little town and saw this sign at a local gas station!  I'd heard that gas had gone up while I was at work....but I had no idea!!

(Actually, this station regularly runs out of gas--the sign was dark with no numbers lit up a few hours later when my husband passed it on his way home.)

# 113 Flight

 I looked out the window this morning and saw this Pileated Woodpecker in the Sumac trees by our driveway.  I had to shoot through the blinds (so I wouldn't scare him by raising them) and toward the sky, so the quality isn't that great (plus it was at the edge of my lens range), but I did catch him in flight.  The Pileated is our largest woodpecker at 16-19.5 inches (40-49cm)--about the size of a crow.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

#130 Gathering

A gathering of gulls at Drakes Creek Park in Hendersonville, TN.
(looks better if you click on the picture for a larger view)

# 194 Monochrome

This picture is almost monochrome--there's the faint tinge of pink as the sun tries to break through the mist and a hint of green in the pine tree.

# 228 Perspective

Daffodils, from a different perspective.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

# 106 Fashion

These Cedar Waxwings make a fashion statement with their black face masks and the bright yellow stripe at the end of their tails.