Saturday, February 11, 2012

# 232 Playground

When I was a kid, we called these playground objects "see-saws" or "teeter-totters".  Not sure what these are called now, but they look harder to fall off of than the ones I grew up playing on--no more of the person on the other end jumping off and leaving you to land with a thud!


  1. Empty Playgrounds make me sad!

    1. It was drizzly that day, so no one was on the playground but me. At least that way I didn't have to worry about getting permission to post a picture of someone else's child (or doing it without permission).

  2. The safety authorities have taken all the thrills out of the playground.

  3. They look like butterflies. Seems safer than our see-saws, but where are the thrills of being lifted up and plummeting down? My father build a regular see-saw in our backyard. One neighborhood kid broke an arm there, but back then, that was just considered a rite of passage.

  4. Health and Safety gone mad never did us any harm to hit the ground with a thud...

  5. Such a cheerful image. Looks like butterflies. Falling off these wouldn't hurt as much with the padded ground.
